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Working at TU/e


Applied Physics & Science Education

In the Department of Applied Physics and Science Education, we create impact. Our department houses world-class fundamental and applied research. Professors of all ranks focus on research in 5 interconnected domains: Plasma&Flow, STEM education research, Materials, Quantum, and Optics&Photonics. Our campus offers advanced research labs and focused interdepartmental institutes, we collaborate on academic and public-private level, including a close connection with industrial partners. 

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)

TU/e is a leading international university of technology specializing in Engineering Science & Technology. Through excellent teaching and research we contribute to progress in the technical sciences, to the development of technological innovations, and as a result to the growth of prosperity and welfare in the region and beyond. TU/e maintains close links with industry, healthcare and the building and logistics sectors.


Small-scale, clean energy supply means more prosperity

The energy strategic area envisions a sustainable world that can produce enough energy for its consumption, unimpeded by scarce resources and without any impact on the climate. Our research will help pave the way for this challenging transition. Many roads lead to this future. That is why we are exploring a broad spectrum of promising technologies.

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